What We Support

A Shared Vision For Our Forests: The Nantahala-Pisgah Forest Partnership’s Recommendations For A Better Forest Plan (PDF)

To meet the needs of hunting and wildlife enthusiasts, we support the creation of more young forest habitat and open woodlands through the wise use of timber harvests and controlled burns.

To meet the needs of recreationists and visitors to our region, we call for better-maintained infrastructure, like trailheads, roads, restrooms, picnic areas, campgrounds, and trails – and we are prepared to help do the work.

To meet the needs of local forest products businesses, like timber harvesters, sawmills and manufacturers, we support an increase in ecologically-sound timber practices that support both our local economies and healthy forest habitats.

To meet the region’s water needs and interests, our recommendations protect clean water for drinking, swimming, and fishing.

To meet the needs of conservation-minded citizens, we outlined better protection for special places in the forest like wilderness areas, old-growth forest, and pristine rivers. This means protecting regional treasures like Cedar Rock Mountain, Ash Cove, the Craggy Mountains, Terrapin Mountain, and the Nolichucky River.

To meet the needs of the forest itself and its many inhabitants, an emphasis on ecosystem restoration and the protection of the forest’s habitats and native species is a thread that runs through all our interests and across the entire forest.

Please visit the Legislative Positions page for issues we’ve weighed in on.